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New Books on Natural History - May 2024

Welcome to our May Newsletter, with our selection of new and forthcoming titles which we hope will be of interest to you. 

Highlights include:
* A new book on Casebearer moths (Coleophoridae) of northern Europe
* A fine illustrated guide to the life stages of Butterflies & Moths in Finland (in Finnish)
* Larger moths of Lancashire (due this month)
* Three new books from the Princeton 'Lives of...' series: Spiders, Bees & Lichens

Ian & Julie Johnson and all the team at Pemberley Books

New Titles

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The Casebearer Moths (Coleophoridae) of Northern Europe - Genitalia

by Tabell, J.; Siloaho, R.; Sippola, L.

Cat No. : 59079, Published : 2024, Illustrations : col photos, b/w line drawings

Hardback £125.00

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Text English/Finnish/Swedish. This is the first of two volumes to treat northern European casebearer moths (Coleophoridae), covering all 189 known species. All male and female genitalia illustrated (more)

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The Moths of Lancashire

by Palmer, S.; Smart, B.

Cat No. : 57317, Published : 2024, Illustrations : col photos, col illus, maps

Hardback £29.95 £37.95 (Save £8.00)

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A landmark publication, being the first comprehensive assessment of the moths of Lancashire (including North Merseyside and most of Greater Manchester) since 1940. Based on nearly two million (more)

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The Larger Moths of Scotland

by Leverton, R.; Cubitt, M.

Cat No. : 57792, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 809 photos, 548 maps, 554 phenology charts

Hardback £45.00

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This book covers the larger species traditionally known as macromoths. All those with at least one acceptable Scottish record in the wild are included, currently totalling 577 species. Unproven (more)

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Suomen Perhoset ja Toukat Pt 1 [Finnish butterflies & moths and their caterpillars]

by Silvonen, K.; Kulmala, K.; Waselius, P.; Silvonen, J.

Cat No. : 59347, Published : 2024, Illustrations : col photos

Hardback £79.00

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Text Finnish. Part 1 covers the developmental stages of 268 species of Finnish butterflies and moths (Papilionoidea - Lasiocampoidea - Bombycoidea (incl. Sphingidae) - Drepanoidea- Notodontidae - (more)

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The Geometrid Moths of Europe 2: Sterrhinae

by Hausmann, A.

Cat No. : 58767, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 24 col plates, 61 b/w plates, 237 b/w photos + b/w illus, b/w distribution maps

Hardback £148.00

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This volume covers a number of difficult genera such as Cyclophora, Scopula and Idaea. The latter genus, with more than 100 species occuring in Europe, is particularly (more)

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What the Bees See

by Burrows, C.P.

Cat No. : 56130, Published : APR 2024, Illustrations : 70 col photos

Hardback £26.00 £30.00 (Save £4.00)

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Discover the world of the honeybee with this deluxe book, featuring 70 stunning images shot with ultraviolet technology.

A comprehensive look into the amazing science of bees, this book collects (more)

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The Lives of Bees: A Natural History of Our Planet's Bee Life

by Patch, H.; Grozinger, C.

Cat No. : 56284, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 150+ col illus

Hardback £22.00 £30.00 (Save £8.00)

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The Lives of Bees provides a one-of-a-kind look at the life and natural history of bees. Blending stunning photographs and illustrations with illuminating profiles of selected species, this (more)

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The Ant Collective: Inside the World of an Ant Colony

by Schieb, A.

Cat No. : 57982, Published : MAY 2024, Illustrations : 120 col illus

Paperback £15.00 £20.00 (Save £5.00)

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Ants come alive on this fabulously illustrated journey into the heart of a bustling colony.

Ants share a vibrant and complex communal life and remarkable abilities to communicate with each other. (more)

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Beekeeping for Gardeners: The complete step-by-step guide to keeping bees in your garden

by Rickitt, R.

Cat No. : 58004, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 400 col photos

Paperback £20.00

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A comprehensive gardener's guide to sustainable beekeeping.

Beekeeping has changed. While once it was a hobby that pursued the rich rewards of honey and wax, many new beekeepers now instead seek (more)

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Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera 6/2/1: Chrysomeloidea II (Orsodacnidae, Megalopodidae, Chrysomelidae)

by Bezdek, J.; Sekerka, L. (Eds)

Cat No. : 57614, Published : 2024

Hardback £143.50

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2nd edition, revised and updated edition. First part of volume 6/2 of the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, which focuses on the second part of the beetle superfamily Chrysomeloidea (more)

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Tiger Beetles of Africa: Geographical Guide to the family Cicindelidae Vol. 1

by Strunc, V.

Cat No. : 56586, Published : 2024, Illustrations : col photos

Hardback £115.00

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This unique pictorial guide aims to introduce these amazing predators of the insect world to all nature lovers. This book is the first in a series of books on tiger beetles organized by zoo area. The (more)

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Suomen Petokärpäset Sukulaisineen: Asiloidea of Finland: Opaskirja Lajien Määrittämiseen, Biologiaan ja Uhanalaisuuteen [Finnish predatory flies and their relatives: Asiloidea of Finland: A Guide to Species Identification, Biology and Conservation Status]

by Pohjoismäki, J.; Haarto, A.; Kakko, I.

Cat No. : 59399, Published : 2023, Illustrations : col photos, col distribution maps

Hardback £79.00

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Text Finnish. Easy-to-use determination formulas and detailed descriptions, with numerous drawings and photographs, facilitate the identification of species and encourage learning about them. (more)

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Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 21/26 Empididae [Freshwater Fauna of Europe, Volume 21/26 Empididae]

by Wagner, R.; Ivkovic, M.; Plant, A.

Cat No. : 59363, Published : AUG 2024, Illustrations : 7 col illus, 49 b/w illus

Paperback £79.99

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Text English. This book is an up-to-date synopsis of aquatic dance flies (Clinocerinae and Hemerodromiinae), insects that have been studied for more than 200 years in Europe. Its publication comes (more)

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Small Game Hunter

by Smithers, P.

Cat No. : 59223, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 50 col photos

Paperback £9.99

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Small Game Hunter takes the reader through many encounters with invertebrates that the author has had over the course of his career and around the globe. From a fascination with moths and (more)

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Les Libellules de France, Belgique, Luxembourg et Suisse [The Dragonflies of France, Belgium, Luxembourg & Switzerland]

by Boudot, J.-P.; Grand, D.; Wildermuth, H.; Monnerat, C.

Cat No. : 58110, Published : 2024

Hardback £47.50

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Text French. 3rd edition. (more)

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Guide to the freshwater leeches of Britain and Ireland (Chart)

by Macadam, C.R.; Davies, R.

Cat No. : 58847, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 50 photos


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Folding photo-based identification chart. There are 17 species of free-living freshwater leech in Britain and Ireland. Around half of all these can be identified from live animals in the field, while (more)

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The Lives of Spiders: A Natural History of the World's Spiders

by Nelson, X.

Cat No. : 56293, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 150 col illus

Hardback £22.00 £30.00 (Save £8.00)

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A beautifully illustrated guide to the natural history and breathtaking diversity of spiders around the world Spiders are dominant predators in virtually every terrestrial ecosystem on the planet. A (more)

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Birds of the Middle East

by Porter, R.; Campbell, O.; Al-Sirhan, A.

Cat No. : 55618, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 180 col plates, 636 col distribution maps

Paperback £24.00 £30.00 (Save £6.00)

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3rd edition. Illustrated by John Gale, Mike Langman and Brian Small. The ultimate field guide to the birds of the Middle East, an indispensable companion for any traveller to the region.

The Middle (more)

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Bird Tracks: A Field Guide to British Species

by Rhyder, J.; Wege, D.

Cat No. : 57610, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 500 col photos + b/w illustrations

Paperback £25.00

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Bird Tracks: A Guide to British Species explores and enhances the ability to identify a diversity of birds using just their tracks and trails. John Rhyder and David Wege approach this subject (more)

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Field Guide to Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of the East Coast of North America

by Dando, M.; Ebert, D.A.

Cat No. : 54577, Published : 2024, Illustrations : col photos + illus

Paperback £26.50 £35.00 (Save £8.50)

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The definitive field guide to all the sharks, rays and chimaeras of eastern North America.

The waters off the East Coast of North America are home to an amazing variety of sharks, rays and (more)

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Herring: A History of the Silver Darlings

by Smylie, M.

Cat No. : 57931, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 8 col plates, 30 b/w photos, text illus

Paperback £15.99

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The story of herring is entwined in the history of commercial fishing. For over two millennia, herring have been commercially caught and its importance to the coastal peoples of Britain cannot (more)

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The Unnatural History of Animals: Tales from a Zoological Museum

by Linnie, M.

Cat No. : 58257, Published : DUE 2024, Illustrations : 64 col photos

Paperback £18.00

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The Unnatural History of Animals tells the remarkable story of Trinity College’s Zoological Museum, hidden in the heart of Ireland’s oldest university. The book brings the museum’s colourful (more)

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Lemurs of Madagascar

by Mittermeier, R.A.; Reuter, K.E.; Rylands, A.B.; Louis, E.E. et al

Cat No. : 58433, Published : 2023, Illustrations : 35 col + 1 plain plates, b/w photos, drawings, maps

Paperback £49.99

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The fifth edition of this world-renowned guide provides detailed information on the origins, discovery, study, and conservation of Madagascar's lemurs and comprehensive species accounts for all (more)

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Turtles of North Americ: An Illustrated Field Guide to the Turtles of the Continental United States and Canada

by Horner, K.

Cat No. : 58187, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 250 col photos, col distribution maps

Paperback £24.95

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Turtles are among the most fascinating, attractive, easily recognized and loved vertebrates on the planet. Yet, of the hundreds of species worldwide, well over half are in danger of becoming extinct (more)

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Flora Cretica: A complete handbook of all flowering plants, lycopods and ferns occuring on the island of Crete and surrounding islets

by Muer, T.; Jahn, R.; Sauerbier, H.

Cat No. : 59388, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 2475 col photos

Hardback £118.00

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Text English. More than 2100 endemic, autochthonous, introduced and invasive species, subspecies and varieties are described. 2475 colour photographs ensure a reliable identification of all described (more)

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Guide to waterside flowers: (Identification Chart)

by Norman, S.; Harper, L.

Cat No. : 58879, Published : 2024, Illustrations : col illus


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This identification chart covers 46 of the special flowers that you may see on walks by still and moving water in Britain and Ireland. Still water includes ponds, reservoirs, lakes and canals, while (more)

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Boletes of Eastern North America

by Bessette, A.E.; Roody, W.C.; Bessette, A.R.

Cat No. : 57987, Published : MAY 2024, Illustrations : 459 col illus

Paperback £69.00

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2nd revised edition. The definitive source on one of the most sought-after wild mushrooms, updated and expanded.

Of all the groups of wild mushrooms, none have engendered more enthusiasm and (more)

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Mushrooms: A guide to fungi and toadstools

by O'Keefe, L.

Cat No. : 57990, Published : MAY 2024, Illustrations : 250 illus

Paperback £17.99

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Mushrooms are one of our planet's most amazing and unusual organisms. Used for millennia as a source of food, medicine, and occasionally poison, mushrooms and toadstools have become part of our (more)

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The Lives of Lichens: A Natural History

by Lücking, R.; Spribille, T.

Cat No. : 56292, Published : JUNE 2024, Illustrations : 150+ col illus

Hardback £22.00 £30.00 (Save £8.00)

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Existing at the intricate margins of life, lichens are the result of symbiotic relationships between fungi and photosynthesizing partners in the form of algae or cyanobacteria. Comprising more than (more)

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WCA Survey pack (Woodland Condition Assessment): (Identification Charts)

by Various authors

Cat No. : 58861, Published : 2024, Illustrations : col illus, col photos


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How valuable is your woodland for wildlife?

The Woodland Condition Assessment (WCA) will help you assess your woodland’s condition in a standardised way. Carrying out the assessment is (more)

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Hairy-foot, long-tongue: Solitary bees, biodiversity & evolution in your backyard

by Perkins, D.J.

Cat No. : 54686, Published : JULY 2024, Illustrations : 250+ photos, col illus

Paperback £17.49 £18.99 (Save £1.50)

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This introductory book explains bee biology and diversity complemented with beautiful drawings and photographs. It forms an essential companion to a field guide, an accessible and affordable (more)

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Britain's Hoverflies: A Field Guide to the Hoverflies of Great Britain and Ireland

by Ball, S.; Morris, R.

Cat No. : 51408, Published : AUG 2024, Illustrations : 660 col photos, 53 tables 162 maps

Paperback £17.95 £25.00 (Save £7.05)

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3rd fully revised and updated edition. A new, improved and updated edition of the bestselling photographic guide Britain's Hoverflies is a beautifully illustrated photographic field guide to the (more)

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Bird Pellets: A Complete Photographic Guide

by Drewitt, E.

Cat No. : 56287, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 500+ photos

Paperback £27.95

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This book is the first comprehensive guide to bird pellets, the undigested remains of food that form together into a ball or sausage-like shape and are regurgitated. It showcases the range of pellets (more)

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Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East

by Kreutz, C.A.J.

Cat No. : 55872, Published : JULY 2024, Illustrations : c. 4000 col photos + illus

Hardback £42.50

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This guide presents the first comprehensive overview of all named orchid taxa from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Nomenclature, type information, a description, and notes on etymology, (more)

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Stoat, Weasels, Marten & Polecats (New Naturalist 149)

by MacPherson, J.

Cat No. : 53813, Published : JULY 2024

Hardback £46.50 £65.00 (Save £18.50)

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A definitive account of the bright-eyed assassins of the British countryside.

Stoats, weasels, martens and polecats belong to the mustelid family, along with badgers and otters, and feral American (more)

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Ponds, Pools and Puddles (New Naturalist 148)

by Biggs, J.; Williams, P.

Cat No. : 4167, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 150 b/w illus, 32 col photos

Hardback £46.50 £65.00 (Save £18.50)

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Cat No. : 4168, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 150 b/w illus, 32 col photos

Paperback £26.50 £35.00 (Save £8.50)

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Ponds and pools are a common feature of our landscape - there are at least ten times as many ponds as lakes in the UK - and they are also important wildlife habitats. This book provides a (more)

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The Bees of Sussex

by Power, J.

Cat No. : 55737, Published : 2024, Illustrations : col photos

Hardback £25.00 £30.00 (Save £5.00)

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Have you ever wondered how many species of bee we have in Sussex? And did you know that Sussex is one of the richest,most diverse counties in Britain for bees? Now, at last, our solitary bees and (more)

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by Wolton, R.

Cat No. : 55621, Published : 2024, Illustrations : 300+ col illus

Hardback £32.00 £40.00 (Save £8.00)

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An absorbing celebration of the ecology, biology and cultural history of the rich hedgerow heritage in the British Isles.

Much of the UK is intensively farmed, and in such landscapes hedges are (more)

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Field Guide to the Micro-moths of Great Britain and Ireland

by Sterling, P.; Parsons, M.; Lewington, R. (Illus.)

Cat No. : 54581, Published : 2023, Illustrations : 1500 col photos + illus, 900 col distribution maps

Paperback £29.95 £40.00 (Save £10.05)

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Cat No. : 54580, Published : 2023, Illustrations : 1500 col photos + illus, 900 col distribution maps

Hardback £44.95 £60.00 (Save £15.05)

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The fully revised and expanded second edition of the ground-breaking book that made the fascinating micro-moth group accessible to the general naturalist.

Written by a team of moth experts under (more)

Now available again

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Les Riodinidae de Guyane / French Guyana Riodinids

by Gallard, J.-Y.

Cat No. : 58388, Published : 2017, Illustrations : 33 col plates

Hardback £78.00

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Text bilingual English and French. The first exhaustive iconography of this family of butterflies in French Guyana. 475 species (in 83 genera) are listed, this represents more than a third of all (more)


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